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State of the Pants: Sage Green is a Go!

State of the Pants: Sage Green is a Go!

With spring in full bloom we're looking forward to many full and fun days spent on trails, kayaking, fishing, exploring new places, and  simply hanging out on the porch with friends. It's...
We’ve Moved Back to California!

We’ve Moved Back to California!

Hello from the beautiful Monterey Bay Aquarium, the home of playful sea otters, soothing jellyfish, and a majestic sea turtle. I was never really much of an aquarium person as...
5 Tips for Spring Hiking

5 Tips for Spring Hiking

Spring has sprung and with that has come longer, warmer days and the rebirth of all the natural beauty nature has to offer. However, in many places spring also means...
Share Your Adventures In Pants

Share Your Adventures In Pants

One of the most incredible parts of these first years of Alpine Parrot has been seeing our products on real people doing their thing in their happy places, wherever that may be. We...
State of the Pants: Current Order Updates and a Peek Forward

State of the Pants: Current Order Updates and a Peek Forward

Our last State of the Pants update—about two months ago—was filled with exciting news as we shared that pants were shipping! For this State of the Pants, we have a LOT to catch...
Reflecting on Year Two of Alpine Parrot

Reflecting on Year Two of Alpine Parrot

Last February, as we celebrated one official year of Alpine Parrot, I shared 10 things I learned from those first 356 days. Now, as I wrap up my second year...
Apply for the Alpine Parrot Trail Team

Apply for the Alpine Parrot Trail Team

We are so excited to share that, with inventory on its way to our warehouse, we're finally ready to launch the Alpine Parrot Trail Team! Starting today, we will be...
Our Top Winter Hiking Tips

Our Top Winter Hiking Tips

The new year is here and it's crazy to think that we've made it to the heart of winter. For some this means packing up your hiking gear 'till spring and...
2021: Year in review

2021: Year in review

Happy New Year! With 2022 officially underway, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that the past year has brought us. From our successful Kickstarter campaign to being...
State of the Pants: Shipping Has Begun!

State of the Pants: Shipping Has Begun!

When I started Alpine Parrot, I had a singular mantra running through my head: “Step One: Make Pants.” What seems so simple is, in fact, extraordinarily complicated—as many of you...
Our Change to a PBC: A Commitment to the Alpine Parrot Community

Our Change to a PBC: A Commitment to the Alpine Parrot Community

Today we are excited to share an important change that's in the works here at Alpine Parrot: we're converting to a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC)! What is a Public Benefit Corporation?...
Numbers Are Power: Why It's Empowering to Know Your Measurements

Numbers Are Power: Why It's Empowering to Know Your Measurements

Content warning: we’re going to talk about measurements and apparel sizing today. 💖 Some people buy clothes through visiting stores and trying on a variety of garments until they find pieces that...