Hi Friends!
We've been hinting at it for a while now, and we're SO EXCITED to let you know that we're launching the first-ever Alpine Parrot Kickstarter Campaign later this month! 🙀
Over the next few weeks, we'll be giving some sweet goodies only available to newsletter subscribers:
- A sneak preview of the Kickstarter page before it goes live
- A heads up on the reward tiers (including one that is SURE to go super fast!)
- Language that you can use to share with your friends and colleagues
- And more!
We're aiming to raise $20,000 to get our first full production run going - and our goal is to raise that in the first 24-48 hours! The more people who know about the campaign, the better our chances are for hitting our goals and making these pants a reality. If we're really successful, we hope to hit some stretch goals which would let us do things like releasing more non-pant accessories and adding another color. We hope you'll help us spread the word.
When the Kickstarter launches, we plan on sending update emails when we hit our goals, when deadlines approach, and more. Make sure you're in the know by signing up for the newsletter at https://signup.alpineparrot.com/kickstarter (and share it with your friends so that they can sign up for it, too 😊).
We can't wait to launch in a few weeks and to continue this journey with you!